Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston

Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston
What comes to mind when you hear the word Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston? To some, youth services could mean a service coordinated and led by the youth as part of a planned event or series of events targeted at building young people in areas that concern them. To others, youth Services could mean the engagement and dedication of the youths in the church in areas like ushering department, music department, protocol department, media department and the likes of it, depending on the angle where you pick it from, they are all youth services but we will be discussing youth services in terms of a planned event.


Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston As a Planned Event

The youthful age is the most sensitive period in a man’s life, and if not properly utilized, the choices made in this period will either make or mar such a person. Ecclesiastes 12:1 “Remember [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own, but His property now] in the days of your youth, before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say [of physical pleasures], I have no enjoyment in the”. The aim of organizing youth services is to engage young people in a well-organized activity that is capable of contributing to their physical and spiritual growth.

Therefore, as a church leader, these youth services will enable you to interact better with young people. Enabling you know what bothers them, what interests them, know their focus and how to help them grow. Here is a list of youth services every church can imbibe:

Talk Shows/Discussion forums

This is a forum where professionals are invited to speak to a group of young people in a church in areas like business and rudiments for starting a business as an entrepreneur. This provides a platform for young people to share their thoughts and point out areas that have been challenging to them. Through discussions, questions and answers they identify their mistakes and pick up from where they got them wrong. Discussion forums are Bible-oriented, where biblical examples are used to tackle current trends in society that affects the younger generation.
Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston

Relationship Seminars: Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston

Relationships are the most fundamental part of our lives. Through relationships, we learn how to strive and survive both in formal and informal relationships. A young person with an amazing business idea who doesn’t know how to manage relationships may not succeed in the outside world. Also, the wrong choice in selecting a partner hampers their ambitions. Thereby, leaving many young people in a state of jeopardy, depressed as a result of disappointments and heartbreaks. As the bible rightly puts it, “to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1 In setting up such a platform we help young people look into these areas where they will be properly guided using biblical ethics.

Empowering the Youths through Skill Acquisition: Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston

The world today is driven by “what can you do” by annually organizing programs where young people can gather together to learn various skills that will go a long way to help prepare them for the future, skills like content creating, web design, photography, fashion design etcetera and also harnessing young talents in music, dance and drama.


1. Engage young minds; get to know what bothers young people.
2. It creates an avenue where young people can share their values and interests.
3. Helps young people examine life through biblical principles.
4. Through these services, they get a personal experience with God, which enables them to set boundaries and engage them in proper lifestyles.
5. Outreach programs open them up to care for the less privileged and enable them to develop a heart of giving and service.
Adding games and sports to the list of activities makes youth services more fun. Bear in mind that young people are attracted by what they see, this should also influence how you plan youth services events. In Omega Fire Ministries Houston, we see to it that the atmosphere for such programs comprises of what young people enjoy like music, dance, drama. The aim of the youth services will be defeated if there is no testimony of a personal experience with God, which is why each activity carries a message that best brings God closer to you. Because when you experience God on a personal level, you get to realize that your existence is part of a bigger plan of God, prepares you for life’s challenges and allows you to properly render your services to God in church.

This and more youth services you will find In Omega Fire Ministries Houston, we are not just a church but a community of vibrant, talented, educated and intelligent young people.

Catch a glimpse of one of our youth services events held in August 2021. When the world was shutting itself out, we thought it wise that the young people bound, discuss and know each other better in this Lunch Event

Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston
Few members of OFM Houston Youth Ministry, During A Youth Lunch Event. August 15th, 2021.
Young and Beautiful Youth Services Houston
Few members of OFM Houston Youth Ministry, During A Youth Lunch Event. August 15th, 2021.

churches in houston for young adults

churches in Houston for young adults
Are you a young adult living in the Houston area who is looking for churches in Houston for young adults and is not sure of which to make a home? Or are you just a visitor and are looking for a temporary place of worship? This list of the best 10 churches in Houston for young adults will guide you to make the right decision.

In the Houston area, there are a good number of churches to pick from, but when it comes to dealing with young adults, not every church meets up with their beliefs and can satisfy their desire of what a young adult ministry should be. That is why In this list, we have carefully selected the best churches in Houston for young adults.

Best Church For Young People Near Me In Houston

1. Omega Young Adults Ministry
2. Grace Church
3. Northwest Church
4. Neartown Church
5. Houston’s First Baptist Church
6. Access Church
7. First Methodist Houston
8. St. Luke’s United Baptist Church
9. New Life Fellowship
10. Unity of Houston
11. Citymark Church
12. The River of Life Church
13. Northside Christian Church
14. Life Church Houston Texas
15. Victory Christian Centre
16. Bethel Church of Houston
17. City Life Church
18. The River of Life Church
19. St. Theresa Catholic Church
20. Faith Memorial Baptist Church.
And this list is inexhaustible but for a recommendation, however, Omega young adults ministry is the most outstanding young people’s ministry that you can find around the Houston area. Not because they make the number one on this list but this is why;

Churches in Houston For Young Adults: Why Omega Fire Ministries Houston?

Omega young adults ministry is different from other young adults ministries that you can find around. This is because her young adult ministry is aimed at connecting young people from far and near that are within the age range of 18-35 years. Not just to themselves but with a better goal of knowing Jesus through koinonia, bible study and service.
Churches in Houston For Young Adults
In other words; Connecting young adults with Jesus Christ: with intense bible study that involves questions and answers, young adults gain the privilege of knowing Christ and the gospel for themselves.

Connecting young adults with the church: to welcome and invite young adults to participate in the life and mission of the Christian community by preaching the gospel. Connecting young adults with the mission of the church worldwide: young adults are led to embrace the mission of Christ and promote the building of the kingdom through healthy relationships, work and studies for the transformation of society. Connecting young adults with a peer community:

To help young adults connect with themselves in the most unusual way different from the world’s system. Enabling them to share their values and beliefs with people of like minds to nurture and strengthen their faith by creating a community of support. You should know that an effective young adult ministry provides young people with opportunities to ask questions and discover answers during bible study. As well as acknowledging the cultural diversity of individuals and this is what Omega Young Adults Ministry stands for.